We sell Australian Shepherd puppies.
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We were thinking about another puppy – about a female dog with different colours. I contacted a breeding station in the USA. They just had six-week old puppies and we could even choose. We could either choose a female dog red-tri or red-merle. They were sending me photos how the dogs were growing and I was trying to choose according to the pictures. Finally the winner was the red-tri one. She looked devilish in the pictures. So we got Cherry on 25 July 2008 when she was ten weeks old. She had to change the flight in Frankfurt. People in Frankfurt were looking at her because she was so agile and vivid after ten-hour flight in a transport box. We had to submit the transport and customs documents. When we opened the box I had to put Cherry on the lead. She looked like she would run over the whole car park. She didn’t mind the dog collar and the lead. You could see that some breeders prepare the dogs for being in transport boxes, wearing dog collars, traveling in cars and for the traffic.
So we could go home. I was a fool when I thought she would be tired and sleep on our way home. But she had to look everywhere and then finally fell asleep. We also visited my parents on our way. She was playing in their garden without any symptoms of tiredness. Her photos were brilliant – she was a real devil. Finally we got home where Cherry met her new friends – Jeans and Krizzy. They were following her everywhere and they behaved liked she was born here. Cherry liked this and she realized soon that she could dare almost everything. She bit their ears, maws, legs….everything she wanted. Jeans and Krizzy behaved like her parents. We didn’t expect that they would be so great with her, especially Krizzy. We were astonished that Krizzy could stand everything she did. They will be excellent parents someday in the future. Otherwise Cherry loves water very much, she pours water out of the bowls in every cote. So I have to fill it with water again. She is going to be vaccinated for the last time in two weeks. Then I will take her to the exercise ground. I will let you know how it is going on.
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Cherry got all the vaccinations and we went to the exercise ground. I left the other two dogs at home because I needed more time for Cherry. She surprised me kindly – she went to the exercise ground on her own without any help. She was very friendly there and she liked it very much. She also tried a beam and managed it very well because we have got one and other things for training at home. So the beam and A are her favourite disciplines. Cherry has got hurdles in favour. She enjoys biting Krizzy and Jeans. On the other hand when they start biting her, she runs away and they don’t usually follow her. For example, Cherry is on the beam and she sees that Krizzy and Jeans are waiting for her at the end of the beam she turns round in the middle and runs away. She doesn’t mind whether it is a day or a night. That is why we had to take the side footbridges down and she can’t use the beam whenever she wants. It was just because of her safety. Now she can use just A. Cherry is a real vixen. She is always on Krizzy’s side when they are playing against Jeans. Poor Jeans and Krizzy. Cherry likes catching their tails, so their tails are moulting now. Cherry is a puppy. She likes playing and joking. She wouldn’t take her own bed out of the cote on the wet ground. She prefers to choose Krizzy’s or Jeans’s bed. When I see that they are naughty or doing capers I usually knock on the window and they know that they have to stop. Especially Cherry, she always looks like to be the best dog in the world and nothing is her fault. I found out that I couldn’t even play with a duster with them. When I play this way with Krizzy, he starts biting me and Cherry wants him to stop it. So she doesn’t allow anybody to bite me except her. She thinks that she can do whatever she wants because she is small. Yes, maybe she is right.
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I have to admit that Cherry enjoys her puppyhood longer. She celebrated her first birthday recently and she liked it very much. She shown her toys to the others. Cherry is a real husk. She found out that she can jump into the swimming pool without using the foot bridge. Now she can jump there whenever she wants and she really enjoys it. Most of all she loves shucking out of the swimming pool and jumping on one of the armchairs where we usually sit. Luckily the armchairs are plastic, so there is no mess. Cherry is a pretty thief. We can’t leave anything in her egress. It does not really matter what she steals – mobile, pliers, screw-driver or even glasses. We saw her carrying and chewing the glasses. Fortunately we could repair them. Cherry does not mind having iron or glassware in her maw. She is a real devil. She was playing with a butterfly recently. She managed to catch it in her maw and then spit it out. Luckily the butterfly got over it and flew away. She also tried to take commands of the others but she was not successful. By the way Cherry learns very quickly, so I hope we will also pass an exam this year. We will knuckle down to the exams next year.
Bremen exhibition In the loose we found out that two exhibitions took place in Bremen – the international one and the national one. Cherry was missing only one Anw.Dt.Jgd.Ch.VDH to win title Deutscher Jugend Champion VDH. So we signed her up. They invited a strict referee Ms Phyllis Poduschka, a specialist for Australian Shepherds, for the national exhibition. We decided for her because it
would be great to manage it. There were 5 female dogs in the young category which appeared in full complement. The specialist worked in a very different way than the Czech referees. She was very interested in the whole skeleton of the dogs, teeth and movement. She liked Cherry’s skeleton and movement very much. Cherry defeated the other female dogs and won the title Deutscher Jugend Champion VDH. That was enough. Then Cherry appeared in „BOB“. I did not think she could win. There were more mature animals and also champions. All of us did two rounds and then we let the dogs in the exhibition pose. Cherry won and got the title „BOB“ with a really nice cordon. We really did not expect that. Many exhibitors congratulated us. The exhibition was very successful and I got the best present for my birthday.
We sell Australian Shepherd puppies.